Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fwd: Do you want to work for Google....?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Somanath Kulkarni <>
Date: Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 10:33 AM
Subject: Fwd: Do you want to work for Google....?
To:, Dilip Dani <>, REKHA DANI <>,,, nagaraja s <>,,,,, malini mukund <>, "ganesushi. 2009" <>, "Shwetha H.S." <>,



We already knew that working for Google had certain advantages, but, believe me, this giant of the search motor takes the welfare of its employees seriously .. as shown by this decompression (stress) capsule that is impermeable to sound and light ...


Moving around: A slide allows quick access from different floors ... There are also poles available ... they are similar to the ones used in fire stations.

Employees can eat all they want from a vast choice of food and drink.

Work Station:
Each employee has at least two large screens. There are 4-6 'Zooglers' per office.
Large boards are available just about everywhere because 'ideas don't always come when seated in the office' says one of Googles managers.
Pool tables, video games etc. are available in many areas.

On each floor, there are private cabin areas where employees can attend to personal affairs.

Technical Support:
Problem with your computer ? No problem ... Bring it to this area where drinks are available while it is being fixed ...

Professional masseurs (eusses) available.

REST ...
This room provides massage chairs that you control ... while you view relaxing aquariums ...


Ambiance ...
There are many books in this library ... even some about programming !!



Thanks & Regards,


Somanath Kulkarni

Rush More Account

Intertec Softwares Pvt Ltd



Voice: 9964595681


Quote: 'Satisfaction lies in the effort not in the rewards, Full effort is full Victory'

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