Monday, August 27, 2012

Transmogrifications and You


There were a lot of new features introduced in Patch 4.3, but none that was more appealing, in my personal opinion, than transmogrification, which is a new service that allows you to change the appearance of your character's gear to match the look of another piece that you have in your bags.

This is an amazing little feature that is popular with just about everyone who wants their character
to look more individual, rather than wearing the same cookie-cutter endgame gear as every other Druid, Rogue, Hunter, Paladin etc etc.

Transmogrification doesn't change the name, stats, or othercharacteristics of your existing gear. Rather, it replaces the visual model of that gear with the visual model of another, similar piece of gear. For example, you can change your epic mail shoulders to look like Herod's Shoulder, or your endgame tanking sword to the plain, vigorous look of the Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaper.

You can make your character look as plain or flamboyant as you wish, keep a single look for them throughout the leveling process (once you have the gear that you want to transmogrify your other gear's appearance to match, of course), or switch between looks for different roles. Even just changing the look of a few pieces of gear really helps your character stand out from the crowd.

This is great news for everyone who is tired of their character looking like every other character in the game. It also gives you an incentive to have fun collecting lower level armor sets which you find aesthetically pleasing, as well as keeping items whose appearance piques your interest.

Transmogrification can also be an interesting way to gain a momentary edge in a player versus player situation in the open world. The gankers from the opposing faction may not realize that the drab, seemingly low level rogue sauntering into their midst is actually a lethal, top-geared arena player until it is too late – bringing a touch of excitement and uncertainty back into open world PvP.

Of course, transmogrification isn't without its limits. You can only make a piece of gear resemble a fairly similar piece of gear by type – plate can only be made to resemble mail or plate, not a cloth robe, for example. Concerning weapons, these items can only be made to look like another weapon of the same type – a staff can only be transmogrified into a staff, a sword into a sword, and so on. Missile weapons, however, are interchangeable, so you can make a bow resemble a gun, a gun resemble a crossbow, and so forth.

Items must have stats of some kind to be eligible for transmogrification.

Transmogrification costs a fee, of course, and this can range up to 30 gold for the highest level characters. This is a low price for this level, however, and prices are proportionally lower for lower
level characters.

For More Information Click Here

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